General Catalogue 2023 DIGITAL

HYGIENE PLAN WAS Personal Reinigungs- oderDesinfektionsbereich Waschgel ausSpender, Reinigungsschaum Gelistetes* Händedesinfektionsmittel Handcreme ausTube oder Spender Gelistetes* Hautdesinfektionsmittel Gelistetes** Instrumentendesinfektions- mittel Autoklav,Heißluftsterilisator Gelistetes** Instrumenten- reinigungs-/desinfektions- mittel Autoklav,Heißluftsterilisator Gelistetes** Flächendesinfektionsmittel Gelistetes** Flächendesinfektionsmittel Gelistetes** Flächendesinfektionsmittel Waschmittel-bzw. Desinfektionswaschmittel BeiBedarf /Verschmutzung NachToilettenbenutzung Vor/nach allenBehandlungs- maßnahmen amKunden NachdirektemKontaktmit Blut, Sekretenund kontami- niertemMaterial BeiBedarf VorTätigkeiten,beidenen dieHautdesKunden verletzt oderdurchtrenntwird Nach jederBenutzung an einemKundenundbei Bedarf NachVerletzungen, beiBlutkontakt Nach jederBenutzung an einemKundenundbei Bedarf NachVerletzungen, beiBlutkontakt NachKontamination BeiBedarf NachBedarfundnach Kontamination:Desinfektion, ansonstenReinigung NachBedarfundnach Kontamination:Desinfektion, ansonsten Reinigung TäglichundbeiBedarf Händewaschenund Seife gründlichabspülen, Einweghandtuch verwenden AusreichendeMenge auf der trockenenHautgut ein- reiben,Herstellerangaben beachten AusreichendeMenge indie trockenenHändeeinreiben Mit sterilisiertemTupfer mehrmals reinreiben Vollständig abtrocknelassen Reinigen,desinfizieren, spülen, trocknen, kontrol- lieren, verpacken,ggf. sterilisieren Sterilisierennach Herstellerangabe NachGebrauch einlegen, vollständig abtrocknen lassen, kontrollieren, ver- packen,ggf. sterilisieren Sterilisierennach Herstellerangabe Sprühenbzw. feucht abwischen Nachder Feucht-Wisch- Methode,desinfizierend reinigen Desinfizierend reinigen, gesonderte Putzutensilien einsetzen WANN Häufigkeit WOMIT Produkt WER WIE Anwendung * ListedesBundesinstitutes fürArzneimittelundMedizinprodukte (BfArM) / Robert-Koch-Institut (RKI)und **ListedesVerbandes angewandterHygiene (VAH). FrüherDGHM . Unterweisung / Schulung Am: Am: Am: Praxisstempel /Unterschrift Händewaschung Händedesinfektion Hautpflege Hautdesinfektion Instrumente+ Laborgeräte (Zangen/Pinzetten/Hobel etc.) Bohrer, Fräser Ei nrichtungs- gegenstände, Arbeitsfläche, Behandlungsstuhl Fußboden Instrumente Fläche SanitäreAnlagen Kleidung Hände Haut 238 No space for pathogens Being careful during everyday hygiene is natural for foot care pros. But nonetheless: For example, proces- sing can take place in the wrong location - a sepa- rate hygiene room with three separate areas is re- quired. This is to prevent the risk of recontamination in the hygiene process. Max Sample‘s practice only has 45 square meters of floor space, with one booth and a small reception area. He turned the former washroom into a hygiene room. This foot care pro knows the hygiene chain like the back of his hand. Pre-cleaning, rinsing, thorough clea- ning in the ultrasound bath, another rinse, disinfection in the disinfection tub, and rinsing. To do it all correct- ly, Max Sample purchased a sealing unit SL13 from Gerlach. He properly seals his instruments before every sterilization process. But nonetheless: There was a com- plaint during the last visit from the health authorities. The reason was that Max Sample used the sealing device directly next to the sink. In hygiene jargon, this zone is part of the "unclean" hygiene room. The pack- aging is intended to produce a sterile barrier system which is mandatory for potentially critical instruments pursuant to DIN EN ISO 11607-1. But in the unclean zone, there is a risk of recontamination with microbes. Therefore the packaging process and sterilization are required to take place in a "clean" hygiene room - that is, in a clearly separated area. Max Sample has little choice in his constrained space. He mounts a plexiglass wall between the sink and the sealing unit. It is simpler when the hygiene room is large enough to separate the three areas required in the hygiene process. Cleaning and disinfection takes place in the first area, (packaged) sterilization in the second area, and storage (see image) in the third area. H Y G I E N E Area: separate storage for the sterile goods The reprocessed sterile goods must be kept in a separate area to avoid recontamination, for example in a cabinet in instrument boxes. UV compartments are used for low-germ storage at the workplace, for example in the GERLACH AT/NT clean foot care cabinet. Area: Sterilisation Autoclave, sealing device and control logbook: With a sealing device, such as the SL13 from Gerlach Technik, the cleaned and disinfected instruments can simply be welded into foil. The FD18 autoclave ensures perfect sterility. Each process is then documented in the control logbook. Area: cleaning and disinfection In the sink, the used instruments can be pre-cleaned and rinsed. This is followed by an ultrasonic bath, for example in the GERLACH PODO PRO 3. Then the cleaned instruments are disinfected with a suitable disinfectant such as Korsolex basic. Then rinse again thoroughly with clear water. © adobe stock | denisxizer HYGIENE