General Catalogue 2023 DIGITAL

239 H Y G I E N E Hygienic preparation When hygiene plays an important part you have to set the highest standards. In the statistics for work related illness, skin diseases are very high, as germs and bacteria cannot be removed with superficial cleaning. And germs are lurking everywhere! Disinfection is there- fore the key to hygiene. GERLACH TECHNIK offers you the right solutions for all areas: disinfectants for skin, wounds, surfaces and instruments. Our products are designed in accordance with the latest scientific research and to the individual requirements of the different areas: they make work safer and support your professionalism when you are dealing with patients and materials. Preventative safety Preventative protection is the first line of defence when it comes to skin protection. Hands are the most common means of transferring germs, so this is the greatest area of need, but this is not limited to disinfection of the skin. When it comes to hygiene, ordinary cleansing – was- hing with water – plays only a small part. Water cannot really reduce the number of germs sufficiently, and it can damage sensitive instruments.With our disinfectants, you can be on the safe side. Hygiene Cleaning Disinfection Protection Care Skin Instruments Surface HYGIENE