General Catalogue 2023 DIGITAL

Not available in all countries. Please ask your local sales partner. 253 Bodedex ® forte Product details: • strong cleaning performance and high material tolerability • removes stubborn dirt • detaches biofilms • independently removes protein, blood, secretions and fats when you pre-clean your instruments GERLACH TECHNIK cleaner for instruments Product details: • for cleaning and prophylactic disinfection of dental drills and rotary instruments • VAH-listed • non-corrosive • aldehyde-free • gentle on materials Handle disinfectant with care. Always read the label and product information before use. Disinfectants are listed by the Federal Health Office/Robert Koch Institute (*4) and the Verbund für Angewandte Hygiene e. V. [Association for Applied Hygiene e.V.] (**) and comply with the requirements of hygiene regulations. (***) = VAH-listed H Y G I E N E Medical Device Medical Device zinprodukt Efesol Drill bath Product details: • for intensive cleaning of steel, carbide and diamond drills (not suitable for ceramic grinding tools) • also suitable for ultrasound bath CE marking in accordance with the Medical Devices Act (MPG) 0.5% - 1% 5 min - 10 min. 2,000 ml 314 182 200 Listing Concentration Acting time Content Order No. Listing Concentration Acting time Content Order No. VAH Ready for use 5 min. 2,000 ml 314 270 010 Efesol Ready for use 15 min. 1,000 ml 317 102 800 Efesol Ready for use 15 min. 5,000 ml 317 102 900 Listing Concentration Acting time Content Order No. HYGIENE