General Catalogue 2023 DIGITAL

G E HWO L H I S T O R Y The emergence of a quality brand In 1868, the chemist Eduard Gerlach took over the colonial goods business of his father Ludwig in Lübbecke in Westphalia and extended it by adding a chemist’s shop. This was the first chemist’s shop in the district at that time, and was the basis with which Eduard Gerlach created a flourishing family business that has become internationally successful and a synonym for foot care, with the brand name GEHWOL. Eduard Gerlach was the pioneer of modern foot care – rightly so, as he developed the first industrially produced ointment to protect against and relieve foot pain. His extensive powers of observation and his immense scientific knowledge enabled him to develop a highly effective product based on potash, special unsaturated fatty acids, mineral lubricants and disinfectant essential oils, which he marketed in 1882 as “E. Gerlach’s preservative cream”. His branded product was soon selling like hot cakes. Eduard Gerlach was the first person to produce a foot care product in large quantities, thanks to the unique properties of his special cream and his industrial manufacturing method. The product was also good value and always of consistent quality. This was the first time that foot care had come within the reach of a wide circle of the population and created a premiss for the emergence of a general awareness of foot care. Eduard Gerlach received a number of international awards for his “preservative cream”. From family business to industrial company After the death of Eduard Gerlach in 1910, his son of the same name took over the family business and built it up into a versatile industrial concern that survived two world wars and all kinds of financial crises undamaged, thanks to consistent customer orientation and innovation. Achievements, knowledge and experience have always been passed on from generation to generation in the company. In 2018, Eduard Gerlach GmbH celebrated its 150th anniversary, simultaneously setting a course for a successful future. In the anniversary year, Timor Gerlach-von Waldthausen joined the management of the family business alongside his father Jobst-Peter Gerlach-von Waldthausen. The Eduard Gerlach company with its GEHWOL and GERLACH TECHNIK brands, which have become synonymous with professional foot care, will continue to expand its strong position in the foot care market in the future. Would you like to learn more about the history of the company? We have digitized our chro- nicles for you! Only available in German. 6