Categories Products Preparations GEHWOL - special preparations GEHWOL Nail Compound 15 ml tube

GEHWOL Nail Compound 15 ml tube

To improve the appearance, protect and repair the nails of the fingers and toes.

This item is available under the new product group GEHWOL PROFESSIONAL. 

Please use item GEHWOL PROFESSIONAL Nail Compound pink (article no. 152520100).

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  • GEHWOL Nail Compound 15 ml tube

GEHWOL Nail Compound is to be used to smoothen uneven nail surfaces, strengthen broken nails, fixating artificial nails and for the treatment of onychomycosis. GEHWOL Nail Compound is strongly adhesive, durably resilient and gives the nails a beautiful and natural appearance. Nail polish may be used additionally. For application on skin and nails.


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