Toenails – as attachments to the skin – are part of the five sensory organs. They are practically mandatory for gripping and feeling functions. Beautiful and healthy nails are also part of an elegant appearance. They should therefore be included in daily care.
Toenails are very sensitive. They suffer from strong strain – this could be due to excessively narrow shoes; they become brittle and cracked until they finally tear or grow sideways into the nail edge. Circulatory disorders, a lack of nutrients and trauma can also influence the structure and appearance of the nails. As a consequence, fungi can colonise and destroy the nail plate. It is therefore important to care for nails thoroughly and regularly and protect them. There are various options for everyday nail care: rich oils cleanly applied with an eyedropper or a special nail protection pen to make the nails shiny, special creams to improve elasticity, or a quick spray-on variant.