Categories Products Preparations GERLAVIT / GERLASAN GERLASAN achselfrisch 150 ml bottle

GERLASAN achselfrisch 150 ml bottle

Long-lasting deodorisation. Freshness for day and night.

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GERLASAN achselfrisch 150 ml bottle
Description The mild GERLASAN achselfrisch normalises perspiration and provides care with well-tried skin protecting substances. The scent is clean and discreet. GERLASAN achselfrisch does not leave any stains. GERLASAN achselfrisch is an intensive and long-lasting effective deodorant with excellent skin compatibility. A surprisingly efficient combination of skin-friendly deodorants prevents the spread of bacteria from decomposed perspiration in two ways: the spread of bacteria that decompose sweat is prevented, enzymes that decompose sweat are reliably inactivated.
Skin type
  • sensitive skin
Brand Gerlasan
honAttr121 3487971
Active substance
  • menthol
Package contents 1 piece

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