Categories Products Pressure Protecction Polymer-Gel GEHWOL Bunion Cushion G 1 pad

GEHWOL Polymer-Gel Bunion Cushion G 1 pad

Skin-friendly, soft, highly elastic polymer gel cushion

Currently unavailable

Description Makes it easier to walk with bunions. The soft, highly elastic cushion provides unique protection and comfort. It is worn under the stocking. Both products – the Bunion Cushion G and Toe Dividers – complement each other.
honAttr121 3048817
Package contents 1 piece
Product category / classification medical device

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honAttr255 SAP-UVP-Preiseinheit: B2C (B2B: 1 / B2C: 0)
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Alias SAP-Materialnummer: B2C (B2B: 1 / B2C: 0)