Seminar NASPAN® Nail Correction System

Seminar NASPAN® Nail Correction System, taught by Inge Blind


The lecturer

Inge Blind is a state-certified podiatrist. In addition to her own practice, she is available with her expertise to national and international interested parties in the field of professional foot care. She gives lectures at congresses and offers various training courses and specialist seminars on behalf of the Gerlach company, among others. According to her motto: Conveying complex knowledge in understandable words in a practical way.

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The seminar

The NASPAN® Nail Correction System seminar teaches you how easy it can be to place clasps in just a few steps and without any shaping work, but with an immediately visible correction result. The NASPAN® Platinium nail correction system is a completely prefabricated brace system with simultaneous traction and leverage.

Please send your registration by e-mail to ( with the selected date and location:

  • Sunday, 25.04.2021, in Hanover
  • Sunday, 12.09.2021, in Hanover
  • Sunday, 07.11.2021, at Lake Constance 

as well as your personal details (name, company, address, telephone, e-mail). The exact seminar location will be communicated to you in due time. 1-day seminar: Euro 249,- plus VAT.